The Soldier's Uniform
Gary Kent

Film synopsis
This 38 mins film is based on the book, Legacy of Rescue: A Daughter's Tribute, by Marta Fuchs. It tells the story of the Righteous Gentile who saved his labor battalion of 140 Hungarian Jews including Marta's father. It was directed by Australian minister and archeologist Gary Kent, co-produced by Robyn Kent and Marta Fuchs, and was filmed in Marta's hometown of Tokaj, Hungary in 2019. Fragments of Jewish life in Tokaj are depicted, and included are interviews of the rescuer's grandson and great granddaughter, Marta Fuchs and her brother Henry Fuchs. Born after the war, Marta and Henry lived in Tokaj until their family's escape to the U.S. in the wake of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Project summary
Australia, Hungary
Release Date